
CO2 Free Society is a global initiative to raise awareness on the issue of climate change and to support all efforts to neutralise CO2 output.

A CO2 Free Society, where we all understand and communicate the current problem, is essential to create a solid social support base to urge our politicians to dramatically change our legislation in support of CO² lowering or neutralizing technologies and against any current or new CO² producing energy production.

A CO2 free future is within reach, and you can help us get there. That is why we invite you to consider yourself a member of the CO²free society. You can take action by sharing our messages, by registering your support to the cause, by taking action yourself and through pledging support for CO² reducing concepts.

Understanding what it is all about

Every year, we’re facing more and more extreme weather conditions such as heat waves, cold waves, storms, … . These changes in weather correlate with the steady rise of CO2 levels in the earth’s atmosphere. Since the ice-ages, carbon (dioxide) levels in the atmosphere were lower than 300 particles per million (ppm). This carbon level can be considered to be the ‘safe’ threshold or ‘level zero’. So far, so good.

Since the 1950s onwards, CO² levels started to spike. In 2014 levels over 400 were recorded all over the world. Humans are responsible for this increase. The global population grew exponentially, and as the world prospered,the global energy consumption grew even faster than the population . We have fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, … to thank for this prosperity. Fossil fuelspower more than 90% of our energy needs.

But it comes with a cost. Since 1950 the fossil fuel burning is releasing so much air pollution that nature couldn’t cope any more. Nature was not able to clean the air as fast as we humans were polluting it. Even worse, even now we are burning more dirty fossil fuels than last year. We don’t seem to learn. The climate changes occurring all over the world are nature’s way of teaching us that we wont be able to keep adding pollution.

Extreme weather than used occur once every hundred years, starts to occur much more frequently – almost every year - with dramatic results, like extreme heat and coldwaves, increase in occurrence and more powerfull hurricans, … . To protect the future of our planet we need to balance three variables: population, energy needs and CO2 production. Population is not expected to lower, nor are our energy needs going to be reduced.

So we need to stop adding CO² to the air. And for that we need to drastically change the way we produce energy around the world. Could technology reverse this? We believe it can. But time is not on our side. And we will need to do it together.

All of us need to understand how big the problem is, and force governments not just to handle the perception by tweaking renewable energy, but really take action on a scale that matters.

In short, the CO² free society supports all efforts to neutralize CO2 output. Even better we defined actionable plans that require minimal effort from politicians making than easy and straightforward to execute. We just need to get them to do it.

How about a solution to climate change?

Geothermal heat - heat from the core of mother earth - has huge potential, but as far we have not been able to tap into this renewable energy source. We believe that geothermal technology has the ability to produce heat, electricity, clean oil and drinking water, while neutralizing CO2 in the air.

And we’re going for it - right now.

Our is goal is to build the first GTC proofs of concept as fast as we can. How faster it goes, the sooner a worldwide, large scale roll-out can take place.

The mission is to build 5 GTC’s which will each demonstrate different applications (heat, electricity, synthetic oil, CO2 capture, drinking water…).

CO2 neutrality is a dream, but not wishful thinking. By joining the CO2 Free Society, you help to accelerate a new and promising technology exploration.

Anyone, from public to private investors, will be able to create a GTC. Imagine how crowdfunding could give small villages complete energy independence.